Free Planet - Diversity locations - Diversity languages

it's a question of diplomatic importance in a Free Planet - politeness.

Politeness is the basis of Language.

In a Free Planet, there'll be no such thing as global-speak and global-think, it will be a world of however many billions of re-wilded people living in tribelike roaming Diversities.

The only thing that will stop wars between these groups is Politeness, as conveyed via Language.

In a Free Planet everyone should know how to say Hello, Goodbye, Yes, No, Please, Thank you in as many languages as it takes to retain the Peace. There's nothing wrong with 'seeing how the others live' or 'walking in another man's moccasins'. It's important to UNDERSTAND how those other Diversities see the world.

Politeness is the only way forward, for a re-wilded Humanity.


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