Lucy Wyatt - Indo-European cuckoos - Ukrainian horse people are our ancestors

this is kinda interesting from a perspective I've never considered before... that Cities were RAIDED by a far-travelling group of Ukrainians known as the Indo-Europeans. Rather than 'bringing civilisation to the farming world' they DESTROYED all that they came across including the original aboriginal race who inhabited Briton.

Wyatt (who suggests that AlChemy was the study of the stars through Astral Projection under the influence of psychedelics, also) suggests that THE EGYPTIAN PHARAOHS THEMSELVES were the real City Shamans of that era of pre-Indo-European invasion.

FURTHER VIEWING: so, you've semi-digested that, right? Now, prepare yourself for this one c/o Lee and Tim Hooker about the Aratta people of the Ukraine prior to the Indo-European exodus - we're talking about 20,000 BC with mention of the Sumerian goddess Inanna. And the Annunaki. Centred in the horse-trading traders of the Ukraine.


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