The Futuro House - get this thing powered up with a decent anti-grav engine - and a floating taxi ride home

The Futuro House was designed in 1968 by Finnish architect Matti Suuronen. It was commissioned as a "holiday house" or vacation home. Because it would be used in a mountainside setting, the structure needed to be easy to transport to the site, low maintenance and shed snow easily.
Here are some 'real' pictures of the Futuro House: get an anti-grav engine on this thing, and take a floating taxi ride home.

The idea I'm trying to show is that you can have your Futuro House 'however you want'. And you know what surprises me? That no one's put together a FOLD AWAY VERSION interior to maximise the day time phase, the evening phase and the night time phase of living on the Futuro-fly. Like they do with caravans, have furniture that stows away and flips out, make more time-localised use of the space. Maybe someone needs to run a Competition. :)
Here's how I see a Free Planet 'family home' version where a) the Engine is used as the Taxi and b) the Floating Homes can link into what I call Diversities.


The Grumpy Old Limey said…
Hi - if you are interested in more on the Futuro House check out - also for the record the bottom left photo is actually of "The Futuro Lounge" a mockup for an exhibition and not of an actual Futuro House. Thanks
Mike Philbin said…
Dear Grumpy Old Limey,

I'm sure the readers of Free Planet blog will enjoy checking out the recommended especially when Futuro House is on sale for less than $30,000.

Thanks for dropping by.


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