the role of God in Free Planet?
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I've discussed the role of God in Free Planet with both Muslims and Christians on many occassions (that's what I do, I talk with people about the world they live in, sorry) and the sheer cynicism of the Religious+State issue is tax-deductively mind-numbing. Sure, there 'might be a god or great universal creative force' or it 'might just be us, that's You The People and I'. We just don't know, either way, nor can we prove it. Agnostic Planet would be a more appropriate self-declaration than 'atheist planet', so where does this leave us?
Too strong? Absolutely not. Religion and the Tax-funding of the GM or Godma Machine is the key enslaving instrument of modern society: fact. And it's been a long slog through many Inquisitions or Fascisms of State. We think (because we're taught to) that because we believe AON or Any Old Nonsense, it's real. When you compare 'belief in fire-side fantasies' to the ABSOLUTE REALITY OF LIVING AND BREATHING here on a finite resource world like any planet in any star system, nothing BigOR or Organised Religion tells us is provably real. It's a story. It's a mind-control mechanism. It's a way to earn money for State+God.
You are being (daily) financially ripped off by Your God, at least by the GFO or Golden Financial Organisation calling itself The Church or The Mosque or any other OWV or Organised Worshipping Venue as locations in a MMS or Massive Money Scam. The arbitrary (horse has bolted) laws and amendments to those arbitrary laws that govern who you are as a race/religion and what you do as a human being in the context of this Corporate Prison known as Modern Life are just a way for the State to make money (from you) in God's name.
We need to START AT HOME, and Earth (or Free Planet) is our Real Home with Real Issues and Real Potential to Be. You want your beliefs... sure you do. But, "Believe that Free Planet is greater than all the cynical inventions of Man," first and then work from there.
Dumbing Down
The luciferian agenda is based on intellect, the DUMBING DOWN PROCESS – perpetuated through religion, science and magic. These three are synonymous and together form the luciferian doctrine of SATANISM, which is the ENLIGHTENMENT, or manifestation of knowledge. Since there is no such thing as an actual Satan, the THOUGHT PROCESS, conjured up the LIGHT, or ENLIGHTENMENT, and every DIVISION within the 3D experience. Yet again, more clearly stated, Satanism is DUALITY. Satanism is luciferianism, and is the LIGHT BRINGER, and therefore is the concept of the creator God. This fabricated notion of a creator God manipulates the masses into an even deeper hypnotic state. Today, this deeper hypnotic TRANCE state has surpassed what religion and science had accomplished hypnotically through the centuries, and especially in the last few decades. The reptilian brain obsessed thinkers have conjured up the notion of marrying science and spirituality. Though the implication is constantly presented that intellectualism is somehow an advancement in wisdom, in reality, it is the process of absolute disconnection from reality and wisdom.
This new belief system is referred to as everything from infinite love to new age thinking, channeling, wholistic healing, etc. …but it’s still polarity based on duality and absolutely entrenches the 3 dimensional belief that energy and light is the basis of truth. Certainly some physical health benefits have been rediscovered in some ways, but health for the body without complete awareness, is temporal and extremely misleading and a manipulation of reality. The medical drug system is so flawed, and purposely flawed, to allow room for new age light workers to come up with improved healing techniques. From this, it has appeared, that they must be filled with wisdom and insight. Not so however, as improved healing techniques are simply walking deeper in the ditch of ignorance from which it is much harder to escape. The purpose of humanity is not to see how much health or prosperity we might attain. Neither are we here to worship a God in exchange for an eternity of peace and bliss.
To BECOME AWARE that the whole body of HUMANITY IS AN ILLUSION, an utter fabrication, that the 3D experience, and the conjured up body of humanity, IS the veil of deceit that makes it utterly impossible to rationally conceive that it, humanity itself, is the deception keeping the disconnection from reality intact. This is what we must come to recognize.
We are already in our Paradise State!
We are already perfect, pure, eternal and ALL KNOWING. And WE are NOT this body of humanity, neither are we this 3D illusory mass of energy and spirit. We are WISDOM! We KNOW ALL! We have to learn NOTHING! If it wasn’t for the THOUGHT PROCESS that indoctrinates the elitists, that IT, the THOUGHT PROCESS itself has conjured up, we would be AWARE and PRESENT and completely reconnected to eternally drinking from the fountain of wisdom in our Paradise State. For we are the Paradise state!
The THOUGHT PROCESS is the TRANCE STATE. The THOUGHT PROCESS is the 3D realm. Remaining emotionally connected to things of the 3 dimensional realm, keeps us in this TRANCE, and conversely, detaching emotionally from believing that any of this is real, allows the realization and power of the eternal state to be ours, RIGHT NOW.
When we become aware of this truth, we reconnect to wisdom through awareness …BEFORE… experiencing a physical death. The physical 3D reality is no longer able to deceive even as we experience the 3D illusion. We have the freedom and liberty do whatever we choose because nothing is right or wrong, and nothing is good or bad. The difference is we don’t believe the deception anymore and we don’t exist, or are governed by, the code developed through inspiration of the THOUGHT PROCESS. We are far beyond, and far removed from the lunacy of religious or intellectual morality, where the code of wisdom dictates a purity and perfection unfathomable to the luciferian 3D experience. We realize that love is not the greatest virtue. Cynicism is greater than love. Note that I’ve stated CYNICISM, not SKEPTICISM, is greater than LOVE. For LOVE is an arbitrary concept with no basis in reality or truth. Love is completely undefinable! Cynicism, on the other hand, believes none of the 3D lunacy.
Skepticism, considers that there may be a chance, even hoping, for something to be valid in this 3 dimensional space. Being cynical in regards to the ultimate value of anything in this world extinguishes the power of the luciferian mind. Cynicism towards this corrupt entity, the THOUGHT PROCESS, that fabricated the veil of deceit, removes any respect we previously held. In so doing we immediately shift to our original state of awareness. In other words, we take our power back. We awake from the TRANCE. We terminate the luciferianMATRIX and the luciferian egregore THOUGHT PROCESS, we terminate the TRANCE STATE, we terminate DEATH, on an eternal, wisdom, reality level.
The word CYNIC has the sound and shape association of being an evil and corrupt thing. We’re not told straight out that cynicism is evil, but its implied. Have a look at this word.
CYNIC = SIN – I eye – C see – or in more concise english, to be a CYNIC is to – sin, I see.