Electric Universe - not even electrical - HC Unit turbulence
The HC Unit, I came up with as a fake-science article in 1985, sat there. In the smoothly flowing 'ether'. Unnoticed. In space. Until it excessed...
When it excessed it spun the ether in a Clockwise or Countercclockwise direction, against or with the direction of flow, before the excessed 'matter' or 'charge' this Cw or Ccw had created fell back into itself.

These HC atoms tend to pair up, feeding each other ninety degrees out of Cw Ccw synch. Atoms in threes form the larger atoms...
It was a laugh, it was a joke, but... I wonder if this is what this so-called 'hot plasma' or 'galactic Birkeland currents' in the universe are, just chains and chains of these EXCESSING ATOM PAIRS following the macroscopic structure of 'flat space'.