Electric Universe - The Big Gravity Problem - dinosaurs too heavy for today's gravity value

...well, that's torn it.

Electric Universe proponents have finally come out and made it public, "Dinosaur muscles and dinosaur bones, and cartilege and sinew, can not support the immense weight of these ancient giants in today's gravity," this means that (maybe more recently than we care to admit now) dinosaurs lived on a version of Earth that had a much lower gravity value.

EU's evidence suggests that there was recently a time in Earth's history when it existed inside the life-giving plasma sheath of a brown dwarf star (they choose the Solar System-invader Saturn based on its prevalence in mythic written/carved history) and would therefore have had less gravity either due to physical size which then had catastrophic amounts of matter added to it in a proto-Saturnian flare up or due to extra electro-magnetic effect on Earth's atomic-gravity conditions within proto-Saturn's plasma sheath.

Either way, "Let the debate begin," again ... we have to know if Electric Universe is the Great Awakening all the spiritually-minded prophets have been waiting for?

WEEKS LATER UPDATE: oh, okay, so here's the official follow-up to the above youtube... and (if the gravity of the Earth increased recently due to its electric decoupling from the proto-Saturnian red-dwarf intrusion into Sol-space) then maybe the dinosaurs were Gravity Killed recently too.


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