Free Planet vs War World - heavy paperbacks arrive - 2008 to 2015 update

in 2008, Silverthought Press of New York published my (45,000 words each) genreclectic novels Planet of the Owls and Bukkakeworld under the name Mike Philbin.

FREE PLANET (690 pages)
Patent. Profit. Power.
The Custodian Liberation is battling the forces of G3 or Global Gambling Game to secure your rights to your world.

WAR WORLD (620 pages)
Deception. Danger. Dreams.
G3 or Global Gambling Game are ruthless in their pursuit of profit but what secrets lie behind their power of control? 

Not necessarily a Samhain-inspired relevance but fitting, I guess, having reverted to the 'back from the dead' Hertzan Chimera writing name, I've just received the Chimericana Books paperback versions of my 2015 titles Free Planet and War World. And they're massive. I mean, I realised they were 210,000 words each. I should do, I wrote them both over a period of three years. So I know what went into them i.e. the word count is not a surprise. But they're so much heavier than any other books I've ever written, literally (the proverbial) weighty tomes.

TRIVIA YOU MIGHT NOT HAVE SPOTTED: Oh, look, how the upper 2008 image contains PLANET and WORLD, as the lower 2015 image contains PLANET and WORLD. Is this history repeating itself? Is this like a Time Loop where the Author is Sentenced to the Writing (and Re-Writing) of the Same Book time after time. Life after life. Left then right, above is below. Again and again and again, until he learns... until we all learn.

For those who care, here's the special "Free Planet vs War World" promotional website, with synopses and samples galore. Enjoy. Live. Be.


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