Ralph Ellis - The Other Christianity - Precessional Astronomy in the Ancient Neolithic Mindset
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Seriously, it's looking very much like these ancient stories are recording the passing of the Great (K)nights of the Great Months of the Great Precessional Year. The real highlight of this four-video set is the interaction of Ellis and Tsarion, both of whom have come to similar conclusions from very different research directions. I'd love to see Ellis and (Two Arthurs' Khumric investigator) Alan Wilson bashing their heads together over this whole issue in a similar fashion.
Anyway, Ellis also contends that...
• The history of King Arthur was modelled upon the life of Jesus.
• Jesus-Arthur had 12 disciple-knights of Round (Last Supper) Table.
• The son of Jesus was the king of Palmyra in Syria (now destroyed by CIA-sis).
For me, this still doesn't explain how/why the Roman-story of "Christian Jesus" was written as a marketing spiel for what became a global religion. If the so-called King of Edessa (Syria) i.e. King Iessus, has already been gotten rid of via the AD 70 Jewish (Aramaic) Revolt that he led, why bother scripting the 'fake' Jesus AD 32 story in the first place? Why not just 'forget it'? Surely, the Vatican must have more 'secret' files on this tetchy issue. Has Ellis seen them, perhaps?
"Release the fucking files, Pilote," Bill Hicks 1992-3.
ST SAUL-JOSEPHUS CATHEDRAL: so, after another few strolls around the internet, I came across this video interview of Ralph Ellis over at Capricorn TV. In AD 70, post the Jewish revolt in Palestine, Vespasian says to his propaganda minister Saul-Josephus, "Give me a simplifies form of Judaism that's Rome-friendly."
Paul > Saul > Josephus? Should we start to rename all the St Paul monuments in City of London and City of Rome etc as St Saul-Josephus? Around the world? Would this help sheoplezzz understand where their historical reality was shifted by 40 years into the mythical past i.e. as the Jesus story?