Gobekli Tepe - older than we think - covered by Nature?

Is it plausible that (the many times repaired/reinforced with rock walls by the locals) Gobekli Tepe multi-stone-ring Geometric-rock carved site in Turkey, said to be 10,000 years old, was many thousands of years older? Like so many archaic sites in the world, maybe they were discovered i.e. not made, by post-Younger Dryas modern man.

It's only deposits in the fill that date the site to 10,000 years...

And about that fill, is it also plausible that the fill that covers the Gobekli Tepe site was Natural i.e. from the sky?

One of Saturn's moons Titan is a) covered with a nitrogen-rich atmosphere, like Earth and b) covered with large rocks, like Mars. Many ancient rock carvings and tribal icons tend to suggest that Mars was seen as the God of War as the brown-dwarf star proto-Saturn entered the Sun-system and had its planets (including the heavily plasma-bombarded Mars) stripped from it under electrical war with the sun, a great part of that, is the generation of large amounts of matter, both soil and rocks and water.

Hence, and therefore, this post...


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