
Showing posts from 2014

Tanker Enemy - Chemtrails - The Secret War

Free Planet - Christmas Message - reality is what we make it

G3 or Global Gambling Game - I am not a game player - Free Planet's new mantra

VOCP - Voluntary One Child Policy - doing what's right for Free Planet

Danny Vendramini - Planet of the Neanderthals - profile of a super predator

Veterans Today - Gordon Duff - Historic Speech in Damascus sends Shockwaves around the World

Free Planet - Be brave - Ban all organised religions

Free Planet - touched by the hand of - show your Ancient God

Free Planet will be released by War World - the white cat will save us all

BBC Question Time - Russell Brand vs Nigel Farage - full confrontation video

MOSH - shape capture AND motion capture - jiggle deforms or soft tissue simulation

White Solutreans From Stone-Age Europe the True and First Native Americans.

Wachovski-kin's Jupiter Ascending has a new release date, February 6th in UK/USA cinemas + SPECTRE

Matthew J. Levin - loathsome, monstrous creatures - surreal sculptures

Star Wars 7 - The Force Awakens - first teaser trailer

Author interview with Mike Philbin - author of Custodian (free planet #1) - Hunters of Reloria

Abby Martin - Jesse Ventura - Off The Grid + 9/11 re-investigation!

Hertzan Chimera Unit - size of an HC Unit - atoms are flat created between two planes.

Gravity - the earth moves towards the free-falling bowling ball and the feathers?

photorealism - Gottfried Helnwein - his latest works

Military Cancer - It's not mine to own - it's ours to share

Romanian hacker Guccifer says Nuke Chicago in 2015 conspiracy i.e. Illuminati plan.

9/11 - THE SENSIBLE DOUBT - Danish documentary about 9/11

Milo Manara – Story of Humanity - warning meat is murder

Christopher Story - Yuri Bezmenov - Globalist Leninist Ticking Timebomb?

Ruben Ireland - Illustration - master of cool

SRM - Solar Radiation Management - chemtrails is 4 real

MIF or Magic Intel Face - OMOTE - Moving Digital Makeup Projected in Real Time

former Lockheed Martin engineer Boyd Bushman - aliens are among us - UFOs are real

ISM'nt - the new Free Planet - campaign slogan

Norman Rockwell - images of a stolen America - the illustrations

Free Planet - GRM or Global Resource Management - What Are We Gonna Do Without Money?

the Rosetta Mission - Ambition film - Tomek Bagiński

Free Planet companion - The Research Notes of Miss Asalah Al Faghori - Custodian Manifesto

If space were a material - what would it be - universe of heliospherical atoms?

London's British Museum - Japanese metalworker - Junko Mori

Arx Pax Hendo - Marty McFly's singing-floating hover board arrives - the critics will pan it.

Free Planet, Free Planet, Free Planet - say it three times - before profit kills you all

Humans Glow in Visible Light

CITIZENFOUR - the Edward Snowden documentary - official trailer

Thunderbolts Project - Rosetta/Osiris orbiter - water and mass of Comet 67P

SERCO - the biggest company you've never heard of

Who am I? What is life? Why don't I feel real any more?